Marcus Vaz is a gifted artiste showered with talents
and visions for acting, composing and singing. The
talented graceful singer-composer-tiatr writer and
director, Marcus Vaz, based in Kuwait and hailing from
Utorda-Goa, will present his new tiatr "ALMANCHEA
DISA" on Friday, 10th September 2004 in Kuwait at the
Hawalli Governorate A/C Auditorium at 3.30 p.m. under
the banner of MBM Presentation.
After staging and directing four tiatrs successfully
in Kuwait and in Goa (India), the tiatr lovers in
Kuwait will have the unique chance of witnessing
Marcus Vaz's creation. It is interesting to note that
his last tiatrs including 'Mutt Bhor Mati', 'Rogtacho
Fator', 'Xim vo Ximiter', 'Rogtak Rogot' were well
received and successful to have his name engraved
among the professional tiatrists. And now 'Almanchea
Disa' will further get the Goans in Kuwait a taste of
his creative writing and direction - a la the tiatr of
yesteryears and his speciality of writing the comedy
within the story line and context.
[IMG] With an eye to give the best, he has a select
list of Goa-based professional artistes incorporated
in the casting including his father, the renowned
Master Vaz, Prince Jacob, Comedian Humberto, Antonette
de Calangute, Xavier Gomes, Annie Quadros, and
Marcelino de Betim.
Kuwait's popular stage artistes include Cajetan de
Sanvordem, Mario de Majorda, Querobina Carvalho,
Micheal D'Silva, Laurente Pereira, Manuel de Santa
Cruz, Simon Gonsalves, Katty Carneiro, Rosary Ferns,
Sandra Fernandes, Sanny de Quepem, Eusebio, Lawrie
M, Victor de Calangute, Sylvester Vaz, Trio Princes
Jonathan-Terence-Clifford, Kevin Vaz, Clinton Vaz,
Martha Vaz, Conchita Cardoso, Adrian, and Marcus Vaz.
Marcus Vaz is well known in Kuwait for his composing
and singing. He was a part of the
Cajetan-Marcus-Xavier trio which enjoyed tremendous
popularity, and in recent years as
He is also the founder and the driving force of
Kuwait's only tiatrists faternity's association,
Kuwait-Goa Tiatristanchi Sonvstha (KGTS) which was
formed to unite and bring together the reservoir of
the talented stage artistes in Kuwait, both
professionals, amateur as well as newcomers.
Recently under the banner of MV Production, Marcus Vaz
released his first audio CD and cassette titled
"Goinchi Girestkai" which also featured Jr. Rod,
Felcy, Xavier Gomes, Janet, Master Vaz, Bony &
Antonette. The lyrics were penned by Marcus Vaz, with
one trio song dedicated to "Somplele Tiatrist" sung by
Marcus Vaz-Xavier Gomes-Master Vaz (lyrics by Master
Maestro Josinho will provide the musical scores along
with Kuwait-based Shahu Almeida and his troupe. This
tiatr has a totally new setup of thrills, comedy,
trios, solos and duets.
AlmeidaG (pronounced Almeidaji)
(c) All rights reserved.
=======================Kuwait's Goan Tiatr lovers confirms Marcus Vaz
At the 25th years of the tiatr competitions by the
Kala Academy, Goa, in his message, the then Goa's
chief minister, P.S. Rane said "The beautiful land of
Goa is known as the land of theatre lovers. The
Konkani theatre has today evolved as a powerful medium
for mass communication. Major credit for this
tradition must go to our above hundred year old folk
theater form - the "Tiatr".
And this form of art is still continues to enjoy
popularity - thanks to the Konkani stage artistes -
young and old - both in and outside Goa, specially in
Kuwait, Dubai, and occasionally in Qatar, Oman and
The large Tiatr loving Goan community at this
evening's Marcus Vaz "ALMANCHEA DISA" tiatr at Hawally
Governorate Auditorium in Kuwait confirms his
popularity and his flair to write the script
incorporating comedy/side show/kantos/ as well as
direct his cast of selected Konkani stage artistes
from the reservoir of talents available here as well
as to get equally popular and talent artistes
including Prince Jacob and his brother Humberto,
Xavier Gomes, Annie Quadros, Antonette de Calangute,
Marcelino de Betim flown from Goa.
It's a big team effort of Marcus Vaz and his troupe to
have the musicians play for the drama with a further
equally talented team of Maestro Josihno (Goa),
Kuwait-based Shahu Almeida with his team.
After a long while, Tiatr lovers here had an
entertaining evening with the local artistes as well
as Goa-based artistes performing at this
well-rehearsed and contributing towards its success.
With an eye to give the best, Marcus Vaz had a select
list of Goa-based professional artistes incorporated
in the casting including his father, the 77 year old
renowned Master Vaz, the Goa State Cultural Award
winner. It was also unique for the Goan tiatr lovers
in Kuwait to have a senior-most artiste among their
midst and the crowd just loved it, specially when the
father-son duo sang a song dedicated to the tiatrists
of yesteryears and offering blessings from a father to
son - a rare occurence on the Konkani stage.
Kuwait's popular stage artistes include Cajetan de
Sanvordem, Mario de Majorda, Querobina Carvalho,
Manuel de Santa Cruz, Simon Gonsalves, Katty Carneiro,
Rosary Ferns, Sandra Fernandes, Sanny de Quepem,
Eusebio, Lawrie M, Victor de Calangute, Sylvester Vaz,
Simon Gonsalves, Micheal D'Silva,
Jonathan-Terence-Clifford, Kevin, Clinton Vaz, Martha
Vaz, Conchita Cardoso, Adrian, and Marcus Vaz.
Marcus Vaz is well known in Kuwait for his composing
and singing. He was a part of the
Cajetan-Marcus-Xavier trio which enjoyed tremendous
popularity, and in recent years as
Cajetan-Marcus-Mario. Today, the tiatr lovers had
another unique opportunity to see the trio of
Cajetan-Marcus-Xavier singing to an encore. Marcus
Vaz is also the founder and the driving force of
Kuwait's only tiatrists faternity's association,
Kuwait-Goa Tiatristanchi Sonvstha (KGTS) which was
formed to unite and bring together the reservoir of
the talented stage artistes in Kuwait, both
professionals, amateur as well as newcomers. Marcus
Vaz was publicly honoured at the KGTS show 'Tiatr &
Tiatrist' for his immense contribution towards KGTS
The song sung and composed by Rosary Ferns honouring
the achievement and introduction of Master Vaz was the
highlight of this evening drama. Well done, Rosary
Ferns. Your support to Marcus Vaz is well appreciated.
The MBM Production banner involves Marcus Vaz brother,
the soft spoken Benny Vaz and his sister-in-law,
Martha Vaz who have not left any stone unturned to see
that the show goes on well. It was also a delite to
see Marcus Vaz' nephew, the young Kevin Vaz on stage.
The support of Kuwait's only tiatrist faternity
association, Kuwait-Goa Tiatristanchi Sonvstha (KGTS)
as well as those of the other Konkani and cultural
promoting associations amalgamating into the cast was
very noticeable and praise worthy for 'Almanchea
It was a pleasant surprise to the audience that they
were entertained by more 3 sets of trios, and also one
song with all the three sets of trios (Dhavko) meaning
10 singers song and Chouko of
Cajetan-Marcus-Mario-Victor incorporated in one
A souvenir was published to mark the occasion and a
special page was dedicated to those who have
contributed specially towards the drama in some way or
the other. Popular names of personalities including
GWS President and social worker, Carmo Santos, The
Entertainment & Cultural Society President, Santan
Alfonso, Tony Pereira (Golden Goa Shop), Savio, Nazzi,
Luis Simos, Luis Cardoz, Francis, Manuel de Santa
Cruz, GWS General Secretary, Gaspar Almeida, Rosary
Ferns, A.Veronica Fernandes, Sylvester Vaz, IDA &
Jacob & Merry, John Lowson & Aedeen, Lawry Pinto,
Peter Rodrigues, Sanny de Quepem, Nicholas de Utorda,
and Laurie Miranda. Kuwait's top business houses
supported the souvenir publication by way of
advertisement including Mohamed Naser Al-Sayer & Sons
Est. WLL (TOYOTA), Mushrif Trading & Contracting
Company, Al-Fajr Al-Jadid Factory, Francis Lewis &
Patric Lewis (Fit'Well Tailor), Raja Stores (Society
Tea, Trophy Basmati Rice), AlMailem Tires (Hankook
Tires), A.F. Alfahed Trading & Contracting Co. and
Dove Moisturizing Shampoo and B.M. Viegas Family
Just finished listening to Manfa Music's presentation
of Ignatius de Xelvon's 'Khorem Bhangar' music CD
which was available for sale at the venue. It has
music by Josinho and songs by Comedian Domnic, Bushan,
Ignatius de Xelvon, Reginald de Panchwadi, Lawry
Travasso, Flemila, and Lajea.
A game of 'Quick Five Housie' was arranged with the
proceeds going to an Orphanage in Goa.
Very visible among the audience were members of Goa's
several village associations/football clubs and
prominent organizations.
One thing is noticeable is that whatever difference
these guys have, they do not wish to miss out on any
Konkani drama. Debateable no doubt, but true to my
observations of the past 3 decades.
Summing up in B.M. Viegas' messages in Konkani
published on the souvenir: "Tumchi Tiatrachi kola
vevharant galun somasik boreponna khatir tumi vaurtat
mhunn hanv chodd khuxi. Onat bhurgam khatir MBM
Productions torfen 'Almanchea Disa' ho tumcho tiatr
Kuwait xharant tumi dakoitat. Mhozo tumcam ieukar hea
Kuwait-chea xharatant ani hanv tumkam ies aundeatam
ani Devacho axirvad magtam. Hea fuddem oxech tumi
somaza khatir vaurun, tumchea vaurantlean khub
boreponn ximpaddaunchem."
I am very happy to note that you wish to put your
'tiatr' art to help in the upliftment of social
cause. You are organizing the "Almanchea Disa" drama
under the MBM Productions banner to assist the
'Orphans'. My warm welcome and wishes for the success
with God's blessings. In future, may you endeavour to
continue in your social goodness.)
Well done, Marcus Vaz on your silver jubilee year in
Kuwait performing on the stage since your first
appearance at the popular tiatr auditorium, the Keefan
Reported filed at 10:15 p.m. 10th Sept. 2004
by Gaspar.Almeida (Almeidaji)
Associate, www.goa-world.com
Editor/Moderator of Gulf's only online e-Newsletter,
goaworldtoday at yahoo.com