4th Annual One-Act Konkani Play Competition in Kuwait
Results of the 4th Annual One Act Konkani Play
competition in Kuwait organized by United Club of
Utorda in association with Goan Welfare Society (GWS)
held this evening (Friday, January 28, 2005) at the
Gulf English School Auditorium, Rumeithiya, Kuwait, as
"Suriyak Laglam Giran" - written and directed by
Ignatius de Xelvon was adjudged the best play and was
awarded the first prize, followed by "Kimsam" -
written and directed by Salu Faleiro (Betalbatim) and
"Mog Diat", written by Domingos Araujo and directed by
Felix de Merces respectively as the second and third
prize winners.
"Ami Sukhi Lok Dukhi" - written and directed Anthony
Carr (Quepem) was placed in the fourth position. Joe
Fereira's (Assolna) "Lokak Zai Zalear" was also
staged, but was not part of the competition.
As done year after year since 2000, the organizers
introduced Bab Alrich Miranda who sang Alfred Rose's
"Kampala", and Bab Palen D'Costa "Viva Goa" to the
accompaniment of two young girls (whose choreography
added spice to the song), as well as Mangalore's ace
singer Thelma Veena D'Souza "Avaz" for the very first
time on stage in Kuwait.
The chief guest was Soccoro De Mello, the most popular
musician in Kuwait. Songs - solo, duo, duets and
trios - by popular singers including Jose Rod
(Tiatrist), Ignatius de Xelvon (Porgottni), Gracy
Morais (Cheddva Chotur Rau), Joaquim Fernandes
(Bogmalocho Ganv), Rony & Jashime (Chintun Bogleanv
Ami), Bab Graham Rodrigues (Saibachea Festak), Bab
Agnelo (Ostori), Zoroaster Coelho (Chukh), M. Luis &
Leena (Bhuimkamp), Micheal D'Silva (Amcho Bhavart),
Nelson Fernandes (Livrament Saibinn), Seby & Seby
(Novea Kollakorank Sondi Diat),
Laurent-Sylvester-Donald (Moroch Oxem Goddta), Simon
Gonsalves (Adhar) and Micheal D'Silva (Bus Driver).
The programme was well compered by United Club of
Utorda's Lino B. Dourado and Richard Rodrigues in
Konkani. At the start, Milagres Rodrigues, Vice
President welcomed the guests. The stage management
was done by Benny Vaz.
The prizes were distributed at the hands of the chief
guest, Soccoro De Mello and the ceremony was well
conducted by Laurente Pereira, flanked by Chequinho
Fernandes, President and other UCU's committee
The organizers thanked among the scores of individuals
and entities whose contributions were well appreciated
and thanked for including A.Ferns (Video), Agnelo
Fernandes (Agie), Albano Pinto, Bernardo Fernandes,
Blandino Viegas, , Branny D'Souza, Brito D'Costa,
Cajetan Godinho, Carmo Santos, Celine Fernandes,
Domnic Fernandes, Franics Mascarenhas, Gasper
Silveira, Goa Caterers, Gustavo Fernandes, Inacinho
Faleiro, Joaquim D'Costa, Jose Rod, Joseph D'Souza,
Laurent Botelho, Laurente Pereira, Lawry Miranda, Lulu
Rodrigues, Mathew Goes, Menino Duarte (Cisco), Menino
Monteiro, Nazareth Azavedo, Pedro Fernandes, Peter
Pereira (Sultan Center), Roque Gonsalves, Royal Lins
Beauty Parlour (Abbasiya), Sarto Baptista, Saturino
Pereira, Seby Menezes, Shawn Fernandes, Thomas Dias,
Wataniya Telecom (Finance Department), Waleed
(Kuwaiti), and Wilson Coelho.
Special thanks were voiced to all the directors,
writers, singers, actors, actresses, dancers, Arab
Times, Kuwait Times, The Times newspapers, Goanet,
Goa-World.Com, Raja Stores, Santano Alfonso, Spiders
(Sound), Shahu Almeida (the Musician), Gasper Ameida,
Tiburcio Rebello, Rewon Gomes, and the chief guest
Socorro De Mello, guests of honour, and to all
A game of housie was conducted during the break time.
The proceeds of which was announced to go to the
village school in Utorda.
It is interesting to note that the full house crowd
just loved the event and it goes to show the
popularity of the organizers - United Club of Utorda
and G.W.S. - and the selection of the participating
local artistes. Heads of several Goan associations
were present for the event including committee members
of G.WS.
The sound system and stage management together with
the lovely audience deserves praise.
Press reporters and photographers from Kuwait's
English dailies attended the event.
The best character actor award was presented to Simon
Gonsalves. Gracy Morais was selected for the best
actress award. Ignatius de Xelvon was adjudged the
best actor as well as the best director for "Suriak
Laglam Girean". Best play writer award was presented
to Salu Faleiro for "Kimsam".
- Report by www.goa-world.com team, relayed directed
from Rumeithiya, Kuwait at 9:55 p.m.
(with input from United Club of Utorda and Gaspar
Kuweit-ant novea vorsak Konknni kariavolinchim survat
Kuweit-ant novea vorsak Konknni kariavolinchim survat
eke songit kariavollin Janerache 14ver zali. Konkani
Heritage Kuwait hea namnechea pongddan hi kariavol
ghoddun haddloli ti somest hajir aslolea Konknni
mogeank khub avoddli.
Kariavolin sabar Goemche toxech Kuweit-ant vosti
kelolea kolakaranim bhag ghetlolo, Kuweit-ant tiatrist
ani konknni kariavol goddun hadpi pongddancho aspav
chodd assa, oxem hanvem sangunk nakam tem Kuweit-ant
aslolo zon eklo zanam. He voile songit kariavolik kaim
tiatrist "KIMSAM" porim vosreant nodrek poddtale.
Kariavol nettan choltali tednam kaim soirea
kolakaranim ap-apli novi VCD vho CD-chi uggtaunim
keli, mhoje jibek kitem ghodd ani kitem koddu tem
somzounk khub mushkil, jirvon zata mhunn meuta tem
khaunchem nhoi oxem mhaka mhoji xamai sangtali, ani
soireancho sodanch boro poramos korcho oxem mhaka
mhozo xapai sangtalo. Hanv
PeterRoshan-achi novea mottvea akaran toeir kelolea
cholchitrachi VCD vikunk tankam mhozo adar kortalom
tednam konnem tori mhunntlem "SURYA-k LAGLAM GIRANN".
Ek tiatr vho ek songit kariavol ghoddun haddunk bari
vaur korcho asta. Karbari, kolakar ani songitkar
soddun prekxok fatticho konndo oxem mhaka dista, ghor
aslem mhunn
zainam, tea ghorant amkam eka borea ghorabeachi goroz,
kariavol vellar suru kortele zalear prekxokani vellar
apli boska samballunk zai. kednai kaim oddchonek lagon
basailolea vellar kariavol suru korunk xekonam tednam
"LOKAK ZAI ZALEAR" apli boska soddun chai, koffi vho
kiteim tondd gheun jiv xanth korcho. Karbari zaitoch
korch korun ek bori dakhoun machier haddta. Kolakar
aple bhumikent vho aplea gheet-ant prekxokank urbent
dovorta zalear songitkar mottea avaz-an gheet-achim
uttram chiddun marta, ani songitkar ekdom borem songit
vazta tednam mike-ache kanant khorzota. Atam light ani
sound, jem kitem kuddea
ani barea sovem ghoddta toslench amkam pollounk meuta,
heo donui vevostha sarkeo assunk karbareanim khalji
gheunk zai, zaite pautt surokxea nam zaun goddbod
zalolo aikunk ieta, tiatr housefull zalo mhunn tiatr
boro zainam, tea tiatrant kitem sondex dila? "AMI
SUKHI LOK DUKHI" oxem zaunk favonam. "Khoim ghelo
khoim nam, kitem hadlem kaim nam" prekxok hanstea
tonddant vosreantle bhair sorot zalear kolakarancho
tosoch karbareancho jiv dadosta.
Chuk ami sogott korta, punn porot porot tich chuk
korop sarkem nhoi, hea mojea boroupant zaiteo chuki
assa, hem boroup havem korunk favo naslem
oxeim tumchea mhonnant zatelem, oslim novim vorsam
ietolim ani vetolim tim tum ani hanv pollounk sodanch
jive aschenam, amkam dusrea vorak kitem rauta tem
fokot Dev zanam. Ami sogle ek, sounsarant ietanam
kaim gheun ieunk nam ani kaim gheun vechenam, niddukai
marun udoieat, veglochar pois korat, ani sounsarant
astanach "MOG DIAT".
Dominic Araujo
Kala Mogui Kuwait
Email: araujodc@hotmail.com
4vea Konkani Ek Ankhi Nattkuleancho Spordha' Gulf
English School Auditorium, Rumeithiya, Janerache 28ver
2005,justuch sanjechea 3.30 vaztam suru zatlo. Goddun
handpi: United Club of Utorad-Kuwait
Voznadik borovpachi kola Kuwaitche Konknni machier ek
ankhi nattkuleachea rupan dhakoupak panch urbhevont
digdorspeani bhag ghetla. Tanchim ani
nattkuleamchim 'suspense' nanvam oxim asat:
1) KIMSAM - Digdorspi: Salu Faleiro (Betalbatim)
2) SURYAK LAGLAM GIRANN - Digdorspi: Ignatius de
3) LOKAK ZAI ZALEAR - Digdorspi: Joe Ferreira
4) AMI SUKHI LOK DUKHI - Digdorspi: Anthony Carr
5) MOG DIAT - Digdorspi: Felix de Merces.
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