{Report by Gaspar Almeida as published by Kuwait Times
and Arab Times of March 2, 2004 with pictures - Page
16 of both English Dailies }
It's kind of magical – KGTS 'Tiatr & Tiatrist' mega
Konkani musical in Kuwait
- Gaspar Almeida
An artistic work is a rare opportunity. It's very
exciting to watch the development of a musical show
right before your eyes. It's a window straight into
the creative minds on-stage as performed by Kuwait's
best Konkani stage artistes and the finest among the
Goan community here, popularly known as "Tiatrists"
this week. That was really kind of magical and
wonderful in itself as the mega musical show "Tiatr
Ani Tiatrist" unfolded to the audience, organized by
Kuwait-Goa Tiatristanchi Sonstha (KGTS) - the largest
premiere dramatists association of the Goans in Kuwait
in association with Goan Welfare Society (GWS). This
musical extravaganza -an abbreviated but always
humorously intended look back at tiatrs and tiatrists
(dramatists) art of the last hundred plus years- in
[just over] 4 hours 15 minutes. Showcasing young
talents with the versatile professional ones (all
members of KGTS) on a high priority with the best
combination of vocalists, singers, actors, actresses
and musicians to the stage, there were also comedy
skits and sketches, and of course, music by the 22 men
orchestra. Under the direction of Tony Coutinho,
Faustino (trumpet) and the ever popular Soccor D'Mello
(guitar), with Juju (saxophone), Agnelo Dias (trumpet)
and Luis Rodrigues (trumpet) – all flown from Goa.
Kuwait-based musicians Ben, Jhovy, Joel (guitar),
Denis (bass guitar), Agnelo (drums), Francis,
Flaviano, Menino (percussion), Chaminda (octopad),
Philip, Shahu, Syham (keyboard), Frederico, Marlinda
(piano), Mahadev (flute), David (violin); with digital
sound provided by Spiders added to the orchestra's
resounding effects. Lighting was used effectively and
the stage was utilized to the maximum. Among the
seniormost Goan artistes specially flown in from Goa
and Mumbai were illustrious Remmie Colaco, Anthony of
Trio Kings fame, together with Jr. Rod, Joe Rose and
Joa quim as well as Peter-Roshan and Comedian
Domnic. The show commenced at 3:45 p.m. with the
inauguration of the photo gallery of the famous
tiatrists of yesteryears in their fond rememberance at
the hands of Derrick Mendes (son of late Anthony
Mendes). A brief introduction of KGTS president
Francis de Verna followed, who highlighted KGTS
founder Marcus Vaz, and thanked all those who
contributed towards Rosario Rodigues for his medical
expenses. A cheque of Rs. 96,000/-. It would be worth
mentioning that this fund was collected from Konkani
lovers without organizing a show or a tiatr. The
inaugural group song by Junifer Rod, Marcus Vaz,
Francis de Verna, and Cajetan de Sanvordem with a
chorus by Clifford-Jonathan-Terence, Manuel de Santa
Cruz, Jose Rod, Sylvester Vaz, and Domnic Araujo. The
re-enactment of the age old carnival 'khell' (street
play) titled "Put Mumbai Voita" directed by Junifer
Rod caught the attention of the audience reminiscing
the now-extinct carnival tradition of South Goa. The
cast included Lucas Deniz, Comedian Nelson, Comedian
Philip, Anthony Carr, Martinho Martins, Mario de
Majorda, and Jose Anthony. Seniormost artiste, Remmie
Colaco, aged 79 years, from Sanvordem, received a
thunderous applause. In his inimitable style a song
entitled "Goenkarponn" was sung by him with the grace
and perfection. Laurente Pereira and Gracy Morais
were impressive in their 'duet' rendition. This was
followed by comedy skit by well known comedians
Nelson-Philip-Mario. Ketty de Navelim was his usual
best in his solo. Joe Rose's "Preparation-Separation"
was well received whereas Cajetan-Marcus-Mario trio's
song on the Almighty's might over mankind. Comedian
Domnic and Party has the audience in peels of laughter
in their comedy skit. Peter-Roshan's introduction to
the audience for the first time in Kuwait was a
welcome change and their duet "Maico-Paico" had a good
effect, well worded and rhymed. From Goa, the direct
relay of interviews of retired tiatrists, Rom Tony,
Master Vaz and M.Boyer was something novice to the
tiatr audience. Well done, Augusto Morias! So also
was the clipping on Amitabh Bachchan and Shahrukh
Khan, dubbed in Konkani with an interesting theme on
'Sour Ground'. And the crowd just loved it. The
play directed by Jose Rod, with Cajetan de Sanvordem,
Gracy Morais, Laurente Pereira, Domnic Araujo was very
well done. The trio kings – from the set of 9 artistes
specially flown from Goa - Anthony-Jr.Rod-Joaquim
reminded of the sacrifices made by "M.K. Gandhi" to
live in harmony. "Ami Touristam" by Joe Rose and
Peter-Roshan, duo by Slyvester Vaz and Laurente
Pereira, and solo by Comedian Domnic winded up the
first session of the musical with an innovative idea
of combining the same a la "Aiwa" advertisement. It
was pleasant to see the third generation youngsters
willingness to continue in the tradition for which
KGTS and other Konkani-promoting organizations. Kudos
to their parents as well as all those who compose
songs, train and give the youngsters a helping hand to
shine on the Konkani stage. During the break-time, a
game of bingo was conducted. Vincent D'Cunha was
declared the winner for the 25" Television set. The
second part continued with Mario de Colva and Joe
Frank's duo, followed by a duet by Slyvester Vaz and
Gracy Morais. The comedy skit by Domnic and Party
took away the strength of laughing more! Remmie
Colaco's "Mai Paichea Khoxt" had a good moral for the
youth. Bi-lingual "Love Song" by Jose Rod had the
ingredients of his trade mark composition and voice
modulation. The video clippings and jokes continued so
also the solos by Comedian Philip, Jr. Rod, Roshan,
and Joe Rose, in addition to Peter-Roshan's duet
titled "Fashion" and the trio kings traditional
hallmark of "xupatteo" songs. The houseful audience
could not believe when the concluding "The End" re-run
of the "Aiwa" advertisement was shown, as they
expected more! The proceeds of the musical show was
donated by KGTS to the welfare of the retired artistes
namely Rom Tony (Goa), Mary Vaz (Goa) - wife of late
Jacinto Vaz, Prem Kumar (Mumbai), Paul Romy (Mumbai)
and John Nazareth (Kuwait) as a tribute of love.
Other KGTS members under its fold include Milagres de
Benaulim, Santana Afonso, Remy Rebelo, and Zoro. The
concluding comedy item – the silent act – was a
delight to watch with Comedian Domnic, Mario de
Majorda and Comedian Philip.
At a separate dinner hosted in honour of the visiting
artistes and musicians , members of the orchestra and
families of KGTS members, KGTS felicitated Remmie
Colaco. Mementos were bestowed on the visiting
artistes as well as individual gifts presented to all
members of the orchestra. T-Bush, the silent
supporter of the tiatrist's faternity who specializes
in designing audio and CD artwork, publicity leaflets
as well as computer generated video clippings, was
also felicitated on the occasion. All said and done,
it's not too surprising to note that hundreds of hits
were recorded on the KGTS website after the show
http://www.geocities.com/kgts_10/Home.html . I will
not be astonished if the other artistes of the
tiatrist's faternity join the KGTS to make it one of
the biggest entities of like-minded association in the
history of "Tiatr Ani Tiatrist" not only in Kuwait,
but worldwide. Well done, KGTS. For more info,
email kgts_10 at hotmail.com (Ends)
Links to KGTS musical:
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