A tribute to Fr. Freddy J. Da Costa
- Gaspar Almeida
The unexpected death of Fr. Freddy J. Da Costa has
deprived the Goans and the Church of one of its most
gifted priests. He was a man of integrity and
transparency who was an exemplary parish priest at
several Goan parishes, a teacher at the Seminary and
an adviser to the die-hard Konkani enthusiasts.
Fr. Freddy had an easy manner and was at home with
people from every walk of life. He had the gift of
making you feel that you were the most important
person in the world when talking with him. A person
of great seriousness but at the same time extreme good
humour, Fr. Freddy was ever ready to defend his
strongly held Catholic beliefs but was also gracious
companion, a reconciler who believed in the 'dignity
of differences'. Those who worked with him found Fr.
Freddy a loyal and trusted colleague. He had an
incisive mind and the gift of clearly explaining
difficult concepts and issues of importance to the
"I am deeply saddened by the tragic death of Fr.
Freddy. He was a generous, selfless and brilliant
man, who was one of the finest people I have had the
pleasure of knowing. He will be remembered for his 22
years of dedication to his much cherished 'GULAB' -
the only roman script Konkani family magazine. My
three page Konkani article "Politics of the Olympic
Games" in GULAB issue of April 1986 was published by
him without even editing a word. So also were my
reports on the sports, cultural and social activities
of the Goans in Kuwait.
Fr. Freddy had a great generosity of grace and
understanding. His deep pastoral sensitivity gave him
an insight into many people's lives, with whom he
developed strong and trustworthy friendships. The
Church has lost a much loved priest and, for so many
of us, Konkani lovers, the tiatrist faternity, the
musicians, the Konkani authors, a true and loyal
friend. We will miss him terribly, but in his great
works - GULAB, Konkani publications, audio cassettes,
etc., Fr. Freddy will always be remembered by all
Goans and Konkani lovers.
Gaspar Almeida
Associate, www.goa-world.com
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